Cost Share Programs for Landowners
Do you own woodland property and want to manage it for timber production or wildlife habitat? There are state and federal cost share and tax reduction programs that landowners can use to enhance habitat and increase woodland productivity. This website resource is only meant for providing a foundational knowledge about these programs. Golden Sands RC&D is a nonprofit and not affiliated to these programs. Please be sure to follow up with program staff to be sure you have all necessary information.

Wisconsin Forest Landowner Grant Program (WFLGP)
Funder: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) - State
What it funds:
Stewardship plans
Tree planting and tree protection including tree shelters and fencing
Site preparation and rental equipment
Invasive species management
How much does it fund: Up to 50% of the project costs
Where to start: Call your county's WDNR Service Forester to discuss project ideas. Ask them about project funding and receiving a site visit. Find your local forester here.
For More Information: Click here to visit the WDNR website.

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
Funder: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Federal
What it funds:
Forest management plans
Forest stand improvement and tree planting
Brush management and invasive plant control
Numerous other practices to improve water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat while keeping lands productive for forestry and agriculture
How much does it fund: Dependent on the project.
Where to start: Call your local NRCS office. Phone numbers available here.
For More Information on EQIP: Click here to visit the NRCS website.

Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program
Funder: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) - Federal
What it funds: USFWS provides expert technical assistance and cost-share incentives to private landowners to restore fish and wildlife habitat.
How much is funded: Dependent on the project. Many projects match 50%. More funds are often given to higher priority projects in high priority conservation areas.
For More Information: Click here to visit the Partners for Fish & Wildlife website.