No-till farming helps the environment by reducing soil erosion, but it also helps your crops by increasing nutrient retention and water infiltration. For help finding equipment to use for interseeding thin pastures and hayland that will be converted for management intensive grazing please visit the resources below.

Green Lake County
Green Lake County Land Conservation Dpt.
571 County Road A
Green Lake, WI 54941
Outagamie County
Outagamie County Land Conservation Dpt.
3365 W Brewster Street
Appleton, WI 54914
Waupaca Co & Close Counties
Waupaca County Land and Water Dpt.
c/o Greg Peterson
811 Harding Street
Waupaca, WI 54981
(715) 258-6248
Waushara County
Waushara County LCD
c/o Josh Saykally-County Conservationist
920-787-0453 Ext. 321
Portage County Cont.
Haybuster 107 No-Till Drill
Randy and Ryan Peters (owners)
Randy: (715) 498-4988
Ryan: (715) 498-4903
Wood County
Wood County Land Conservation Dpt.
111 W Jackson Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
(715) 421-8579
Marathon County
Marathon County Grazing Analyst
Brooke Bembeneck
210 River Drive
Wausau, WI
(715) 261-6045
Taylor County
Taylor County Land Conservation Dpt.
c/o Brent Tessmer
925 Donald Street
Medford, WI 54451
(715) 748-1469
Juneau County