At Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council, Inc., we work cooperatively with partners throughout the state to make Central Wisconsin a better place to live and work. As an RC&D, we are able to work across county lines to address local concerns by using consistent and sound conservation principles with “Conservation That Works!”
Through the hard work of every team member at Golden Sands RC&D, we were able to bridge the gap between conservation and community to educate and implement conservation practices for the benefit of us all as well as nature. In 2022, numerous educational events for students were given to help strengthen their understanding of surface water, groundwater, and steps we can take to prevent the spread of invasive species. Efforts to control invasive species, such as Japanese knotweed, buckthorn, and purple loosestrife were implemented in several counties. Our soils and grazing teams completed and implemented copious amounts of managed grazing plans, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, Conservation Stewardship Program, and Conservation Reserve Program contracts to implement sound conservation practices within our agricultural communities.
To learn more, continue exploring our 2022 highlights page to find out about all of the accomplishments we have achieved throughout the year. If you are interested in reading about the details of our projects within each county, see our 2022 county summaries!
Thank you all for your continued efforts and support to make Central Wisconsin a better place to work and live by implementing “Conservation That Works!”
I am excited to see where 2023 takes us!
Jennifer Glad
Jennifer Glad
Executive Director
Building Relationships Within Community and Nature
Hover over the images to learn more!
We coordinated and hosted our annual Waupaca County Conservation Field Day (WCCFD) for 293 fifth grade students from three Waupaca County Schools. The Field Day took place in September at Hartman Creek State Park and offered students 18 different hands-on field stations, each highlighting a different conservation concept or career. Field stations covered the following topics: Managed Grazing, Conservation on the Farm, Compass Navigation, Fisheries Management, Snapshot Wisconsin, Boating Safety, Soils, Aquatic Plants, Terrestrial Invasive Species, Team Building, Wetlands, Solar Energy, Trapping, Forestry, Composting, Forest Fire Safety, and a tour of the Hellestad pioneer house!
In August, we had the pleasure of hosting a full day grazing event at the UW-Stevens Point Campus featuring Dr.Temple Grandin as the keynote speaker. The day was focused around the different landscapes in which grazing can take place. Speakers and topics included Ryan Parker (Quail Forever) on Warm Season Grasses Grazing, WI-DNR on Public Land Grazing, Great Lakes Audubon on Grazing to Support Grassland Bird Habitat, and Dr. Temple Grandin on the Importance of Managed Grazing in Sustainable Agriculture. It was a successful event with over 80 attendees. Thank you to our multitude of sponsors that helped make this event possible
Golden Sands RC&D coordinates the Northeast Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (NEWIP). One of the great events this year included a field trip held by NEWIP through the Natural Resources Foundation. This field trip was held at the Emmons Creek Barrens State Natural Area so that participants could see the federally endangered Karner Blue Butterfly! The field trip matched up perfectly with the first flight of the Karner Blues, so we got to see them all day, as well as lots of beautiful prairie plants and we also took a hike through the state natural area!
Photo Credit: Asa Plonsky
We coordinated and hosted the Water Appreciation Day Event (WADE) for 68 fourth grade students. The Field Day took place in May at the Little Plover River Park and offered students six different hands-on field stations, each highlighting a conservation concept or career. Field stations covered the following topics: Fly Casting, Fly Tying, Aquatic Invasive Species, Enviroscape, Water Quality, and Trout Shocking.
Retirement Highlight! A special thank you goes out to Ed Hernandez! Ed retired in January from his position with Golden Sands RC&D and Waushara County. We are very grateful for Ed's guidance as our Council President over the past few years along with close to 20 years of service in our organization. His work and dedication to Golden Sands RC&D has been invaluable. Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement, Ed!! You will be missed!
Click on the button below to see a list of our current council members.
Thank you to our 2023 partners, sponsors, and donors for your generosity! Please click on the donate button below if you support our mission to manage natural and human resources, in ways that are consistent with sound conservation principles, by working across county lines to address local concerns.